ADEL 29 (AKUTUR) drops provide a fast, powerful therapy for acute and chronic urological infections, including cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, cystopyelitis, cystopyelonephritis and neuralgia vesicae. As a biological alternative to antibiotics, this remedy usually helps to remove even the toughest urinary tract infections within a few days, especially those prevalent in young girls or women. ADEL 29 (AKUTUR) drops can also be prescribed for pain that accompanies infections of the urological tract, including kidney discomfort. A therapy that also includes ADEL 66 (TOXEX) drops and ADEL 32 (OPSONAT) drops will achieve best results.
To flush the urinary tract and aid the healing process, patients should drink plenty of warm fluids such as herbal chamomile tea. Please note: As a rule, acute cystitis is a systemic infection, while chronic cystitis is caused by a compromised or impaired metabolism that accompanies old age or a prostate infection.