Showing 1–12 of 32 results

ADEL 18 Glucorect Drop (20 ml) Beneficial in high sugar level in blood & urine,weakness & frequent urination

Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹295.00.
FOR DIABETES (INCREASED BLOOD AND URINARY SUGAR) The metabolic condition of a patient suffering from diabetes requires both therapeutic and nutritional measures to correct the illness. Along with the patient's strict compliance to a proper diet, therapy must stimulate the body's self-healing powers for arteriosclerotic or even gangrenous developments. Because the illness frequently first appears as adult-onset diabetes, it is also necessary to address initial degenerative developments in the eyes (glaucoma), chronic lymphatic weaknesses, hypertonia, hardening of the liver and rheumatic processes. ADEL 18 (GLUCORECT) drops regulate sugar metabolism while helping resolve metabolic disturbances that lead to diabetes.

Adel Pekana Adel 17 (Glautaract) (20ml) Beneficial in redness & pain in eyes,blurr vision ,photophobia & watery eye discharge Sale!

Original price was: ₹395.00.Current price is: ₹310.00.
FOR CATARACT; GLAUCOMAAND POOR VISION Degenerative processes often contribute to reduction in visual power. Beginning with a blockage of the flow of the aqueous humor, this degeneration can lead to glaucoma and cataracts, where the lens becomes clouded. Reversing this degeneration in its different stages requires a comprehensive therapy of the metabolism. When used as a long-term therapy, ADEL 17 (GLAUTARAKT) drops help effectively relieves glaucoma, disturbed circulation to the eye, inflammation of the iris and cornea, sclerotic vessels and weak vision.


For early stage of loss of sight; cataract; glaucoma and conjunctivitis.


Aurum chloratum 6X, Cynara scolymus 6X, Euphrasia 4X, Glonoinum 12X, Hedera helix 4X, Tabacum 12X, Ruta graveolens 6X, Dulcamara 4X. Aurum chloratum works comprehensively in the complaints of the central nervous system, blood vessels, eyes, mucous membranes, lymphs, bones and joints. It combats sclerotic develop- ments, inflammation and degeneration, including rheumatic conditions. This metal is indicated for degenerative eye conditions, iritis, glaucoma, ablatio retinae and spasms/congestion of the head. It is also indicated for mental states ranging from melancholy to anger, as well as sleeplessness that often occurs between 3:00 am - 4:00 am. Cynara scolymus stops degenerative processes in the body by regulating metabolic function specifically related to protein, carbohydrate and fat usage. All systems are harmonized to maintain a balanced metabolic performance. Euphrasia is helpful in lymphatic conditions and stimulates excretion processes. It also helps resolve gastritic and hepatic disturbances, prostate conditions and inflammatory rheumatic sensations, such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis and rheumatic iritis pains in the eyes, where reading is impaired by cataracts. Glonoinum addresses glaucoma and retinal bleeding by relieving circulatory disruptions. It is also indicated in threatening apoplexy caused by hypertonia that the body attempts to correct by expanding the blood vessels. Hedera helix that contains iodine relieves chronic inflammatory processes due to exudative diathesis and scrofulosis. It helps heal hyperthyroid sensations, catarrh of all mucous membranes and dyskinesia of the gallbladder, and combats calcification tendencies in the vessels and lymphatic atrophy by speeding up oxidation processes. Although this substance does not directly resolve eye conditions, it is indicated because iodine has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Tabacum relieves cramps that affect the blood vessel nerves of the spinal cord. It also helps resolve cloudy vision, which left unchecked can possibly lead to blindness due to a venous hyperemia. Ruta graveolens has similar properties to arnica and is indicated for vision weakness and inflammation of the eyes caused by overexertion. It also helps heal venous blockages and generally stimulates circulation. Dulcamara is helpful in eye infections with yellow discharge and granular lids, an expression of a hypersensitivity reaction. It also is indicated for optic nerve disturbances, and promotes proper systemic regulation in the body.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE (Unless otherwise prescribed)

Adults - 15-20 drops, 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water.
Adel Pekana Adel 17 (Glautaract) (20ml)
Rs. 295.00 Rs. 310.00

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Adel Pekana Adel 29 (Akutur) (20ml)

Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹295.00.
FOR URINARY TRACT INFECTION (U.T.I) ADEL 29 (AKUTUR) drops provide a fast, powerful therapy for acute and chronic urological infections, including cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, cystopyelitis, cystopyelonephritis and neuralgia vesicae. As a biological alternative to antibiotics, this remedy usually helps to remove even the toughest urinary tract infections within a few days, especially those prevalent in young girls or women. ADEL 29 (AKUTUR) drops can also be prescribed for pain that accompanies infections of the urological tract, including kidney discomfort. A therapy that also includes ADEL 66 (TOXEX) drops and ADEL 32 (OPSONAT) drops will achieve best results. To flush the urinary tract and aid the healing process, patients should drink plenty of warm fluids such as herbal chamomile tea. Please note: As a rule, acute cystitis is a systemic infection, while chronic cystitis is caused by a compromised or impaired metabolism that accompanies old age or a prostate infection.

Adel Pekana Adel 43 (Cardinorma) (20ml) Beneficial in chest pain ,irregular heart beat, palpitation & anxiety

Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹295.00.
FOR HEART DROPS (ANGINA: WEAKNESS OF HEART MUSCLES) AND IRREGULAR HEART BEATS ADEL 43 (CARDINORMA) drops checks cardiac insufficiency, heart muscle weakness, apoplexy, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, extrasystole, tachycardia, cardiac spasms, and increase O2 utilization. This medication also helps the body check the underlying cause of heart and circulatory problems without the side effects of allopathic drugs, such as Beta blockers and blood thinning medications, that merely address symptoms. Heart and circulatory problems such as high blood pressure indicate a pathogenic, systemic condition that the body cannot overcome successfully by itself. Degenerative conditions weaken the heart muscle and may lead to a host of heart and circulatory system problems, including apoplexy or heart attack. The combined use of ADEL 43 drops directly works to alleviate this condition.

Adel Pekana Adel 44 (Venorbis) (20ml) Beneficial in varicose veins

Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹295.00.


For venous stasis, varicose veins and other varicose problems.  

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE (Unless otherwise prescribed)

Adults - 15-20 drops, 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water.

Adel Pekana Adel 51 (Psy-Stabil) (20ml)

Original price was: ₹319.00.Current price is: ₹295.00.
FOR ANXIETY, LACK OF CONCENTRATION, RESTLESSNESS AND NERVOUS EXHAUSTION Modern lifestyles often cause mental and emotional stresses that can result in nervous dysfunction, and later somatic illnesses. These disruptions should not be relieved solely by sedation, but rather also by the harmonizing therapy provided by ADEL 51 (PSY-stabil) drops, which enable patients to once again function normally in their daily social and job responsibilities.

Adel Pekana Adel 6 (Apo-Strum) (20ml) Beneficial in thyroid dysfunction ,weight management,weakness & fatigue

Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹295.00.
FOR THYROID PROBLEMS ADEL 6 (apo-STRUM) drops are indicated for relieving thyroid dysfunction, including hardening or enlargement of the thyroid gland. This remedy also helps relieving tachycardia, toxic adenoma, parenchymous nodular swelling, hyperthyreosis and cardiac conductivity disorder. It is extremely important to diagnose and helps in thyroid problems because this condition may eventually lead to more serious illnesses. Causes of thyroid problems may include environmental intoxification, foci in the head area, amalgam intoxification or other stress factors.Thyroid gland dysfunction need not always be accompanied by classic tell-tale signs such as goiter or bulging eyes. Due to modern lifestyles, a latent or mixed form of thyroid dysfunction is common and minor swelling or knots may be barely visible. The most common condition is hyper- function of the thyroid gland that results from disruption of the sensitive cooperation between hormones and cardiac conductivity. Other factors such as psychological stress can also contribute to thyroid problems.

Adel Pekana Adel 8 (Co-Hypert) (20ml) Beneficial in high blood pressure ,chest pain & headache

Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹295.00.
FOR INCREASED PRESSURE OF BLOOD ADEL 8 (co-HYPERT ) drops helps to control high blood pressure, particularly in cases where no easily recognizable cause can be diagnosed. This remedy also helps relieve hypertension related to elasticity problems, psychosomatic processes and organ (renal) insufficiency, and helpful in conditions that may lead to an infarct.

Adel Pekana Adel 82 (Hepat-Tonic) (150ml)

Original price was: ₹520.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.
Adel 82 (Hepat-Tonic) This specially formulated combination rejuvenates and tones up the hepatic cells and tissues aiding in normalization of

Adel Pekana Adel 82 (Hepat-Tonic) (150ml) Sluggish Liver, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Jaundice, Hepatic Dysfunction

Original price was: ₹520.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.

Adel 82 (Hepat-Tonic)

This specially formulated combination rejuvenates and tones up the hepatic cells and tissues aiding in normalization of the liver function. As part of a complex therapy, this tonic can also reduce toxic liver damage, hepatitis due to alcohol abuse, obesity, diabetes and high level of fats in the blood.

Indications of Adel 82 (Hepat-Tonic)

  • For Sluggish Liver or Liver malfunctioning.
  • Medicine of choice for Hepatitis, Hypertrophy of liver & Jaundice.
  • Associated symptoms of dyspepsia, loss of appetite and pain in abdomen.
  • Catarrhal conditions of liver.
  • Jaundice, Sluggish liver.

Adel Pekana Adel 85 (Neu-Regen Tonic) (250ml) For mental ,emotional & physical exhausation, weakness & fatigue

FOR TREATMENT OF MENTAL, EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION The fast pace of modern life places large demands on many individuals' mental and physical performance. As a result, it is necessary to help the body overcome mental strain and emotional exhaustion. ADEL 85 (NEU-regen TONIC) syrup helps restore proper organ function and energetically balance the performance of the body through gentle regulation. In contrast, drugs such as stimulants and sedatives place even greater demands upon an exhausted body.

Adel Pekana Passiflora Incarnata Q (20ml)


ABOUT Adel Pekana Passiflora Incarnata Q (20ml)

  • Passiflora Incarnata Mother Tincture is an excellent homeopathic tincture which is a reliable remedy for the treatment of insomnia and conditions associated with inflammation in acute diseases. It contains anti-spasmodic properties which makes it a useful remedy for muscle spasms and cramps and it can also be used for treating whooping cough.


  • Violent headache with heaviness of eyes is reduced with help of Passiflora.
  • Passiflora is indicated in patients who lose weight after mental troubles, anxiety and too much of worrying, react violently, aggressively to any situation at any point of time.
  • It is useful in complaints that take a toll, when majorly affecting the health at night time. It includes complaints of cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties that are worsened during night time.

COMPOSITION OF Adel Pekana Passiflora Incarnata Q (20ml)

  • Passiflora Incarnata with Alochol.

DOSAGE/ DIRECTION FOR USE Adel Pekana Passiflora Incarnata Q (20ml)

  • Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
  • We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.
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